Whether you declare your love or remind your lover how much you love him or her, writing them in a letter is the perfect way to convey your love. Giving a love letter as a gift can strengthen your relationship with the person you love, which is why writing love letters has come back into fashion.

Things to consider before writing a love letter

You can use the finest calligraphy on the planet to write a love letter. However, if the words on the page looked like a copy and paste letter that was not original at all, the effect would be ruined. The concept of your love letter must be relevant and relative to your relationship. The end result should be calibrated to the person you are writing it to. Valentine's Day and birthday love letters are undeniably powerful, but the most meaningful is to surprise your lover on a normal day. No matter what type of format you write, whether it's a poem or a text confessing your feelings, the most important thing is the thought you put into it. The format is unimportant as long as it truly comes from the heart.

Important things to include in your letter

The most common way to start a love letter is with a quick explanation of why you are sending it. It can be as short, with only a few words, or as long as you want. Then you can start writing about what your partner brings to your life and how he or she improves it. This is your chance to confess feelings that you may never have told him or her. Write down your favourite memories that you shared with him or her. Tell him or her what you particularly like about him or her, for example, what you like about his or her character and appearance. Also tell him that you are with him for the long term by including imagined future plans that you want to see come true.

Add a personal touch

Feel free to be as creative and imaginative as you can. The more eclectic and varied the letters are, the more fun they will be to open. Don't rush your letter. Sit in a quiet place and focus on that special person, remember your memories, affirm it and tell them how much you love them. When you write the love letter, spray some of your perfume on the paper and put on lipstick to leave a nice kiss mark on the stamp.